The Vireo Advisors blog brings you the latest news and developments in safe, sustainable and bio-based materials and products including novel foods and sustainable nanomaterials.

Vireo Advisors Celebrates Earth Day: Our Commitment to Sustainability

As Earth Day dawns, we are reminded of the profound significance of our planet's health and the imperative to safeguard it for future generations. Our commitment to enabling a safer and more sustainable economy is unwavering.

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Nanomaterials, Safety, Sustainability Fiona Case Nanomaterials, Safety, Sustainability Fiona Case

Creating industrially relevant cellulose reference materials for environmental, health and safety evaluations

There is an immediate need for cellulose nanofibril references and standards to support environmental, health and safety evaluations, product and application development of next-generation composite materials. A new paper outlines our recent work to develop systematically oxidized and well-characterized reference materials from industrially relevant dissolving pulp.

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Nanomaterials, Risk Analysis, Safety, Graphene Fiona Case Nanomaterials, Risk Analysis, Safety, Graphene Fiona Case

Life-cycle risk assessment of graphene-enabled textiles in fire protection gear

Working with industrial partners in the DIAGONAL project, Vireo conducted a detailed nanomaterial life-cycle risk analysis (Nano LCRA) for a graphene-enabled functional fabric used in personal protective equipment. We are delighted to announce that this study has been published in NanoImpact. Using this unique link, you can read it without sign-up, registration or fees until January 25, 2024.

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Food Safety of Fermented Proteins and Cultivated Meat and Seafood

Food Safety of Fermented Proteins and Cultivated Meat and Seafood, written by Kimberly J. Ong, Fiona Case and Jo Anne Shatkin from Vireo Advisors, chapter 6 in Cellular Agriculture Technology, Society, Sustainability and Science published by Elsevier, reviews potential hazards specific to the manufacture and consumption of fermented proteins and cultivated meat and seafood….

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