The Vireo Advisors blog brings you the latest news and developments in safe, sustainable and bio-based materials and products including novel foods and sustainable nanomaterials.

Commercial production of jet fuels and nanocellulose from forest waste

An $80 million grant from the US DOE  will allow AVAPCO LLC to ramp up production bioethanol and nanocellulose by upcycling woody residue from sawmills, paper, and pulp plants. Life cycle analysis provides  a valuable tool for assessing the climate change and environmental  benefits.

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Bio-Based, Nanomaterials, Cellulose, Sustainability Leslie Hockman Bio-Based, Nanomaterials, Cellulose, Sustainability Leslie Hockman

The Alliance for Pulp & Paper Technology Innovation Hosts Webinar Series: “Biobased Materials for Advanced Manufacturing”

The Alliance for Pulp & Paper Technology Innovation (APPTI) has organized a webinar series entitled “Biobased Materials for Advanced Manufacturing” to highlight the nanocellulose research being conducted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the University of Maine, and 20+ industrial partners under their multi-year $40 million bio-derived materials research collaboration funded by the Department of Energy.

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