France and South Africa Ban Plant-Based 'Meat' and Meatless Products from Being Marketed with Names and Terminology of Traditional Meat Products
Photo: Mosa Meat
In July 2022, France announced that they would be the first European country to ban words that have been used to describe meats or fish — like "steak" — from being used for plant-base meats. This restriction was proposed to come into effect in October 2022. But there was immediate push-back from French alt-protein producers who were able to persuade the French courts to grant a reprieve. The proposed ban would not have included the use of "burger," used to describe plant-based or meat-free patties. Plant-based dairy products are already subject to restrictions throughout Europe—with words such as "butter," "cheese," or "milk" being banned from use on labels of plant-based products. France’s initial announcement followed shortly after South Africa's government passed a similar ban on meatless manufacturers using names and terminology "prescribed and reserved for processed meat products.”